Become a distributor PACKAGES (1): ENTRY_ #8,600= 1 Small Bottle = 6 PV (2): Flexi_ #27,800 = 2 Big Bottles = 24 PV (3) BOOSTER_ #47,000 =3 Big Bottles & 1 Small Bottle = 42 PV (4): STANDARD_ #130,200 = 10 Big Bottles =120 PV (5): ADVANCED_ #283,800 = 22 Big Bottles = 264 PV (6): EXCEL_ #565,400 = 44 Big Bottles = 528 PV (7): FLOURISH_ #1,123,100 = 87 Big Bottles & 1 Small Bottle = 1,050 PV. Choose a package. Make payment to only the account below and send me evidence of payment. * . Don’t forget to add #50 for bank charges. BANK REGISTRATION FORM Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.NameEmailComment or MessageSend Message