Membership Packages

(1): ENTRY_  #8,600= 1 Small Bottle = 6 PV 
(2): Flexi_  #27,800 = 2 Big Bottles = 24 PV 
(3) BOOSTER_  #47,000 =3 Big Bottles & 1 Small Bottle = 42 PV 
(4): STANDARD_ #130,200 = 10 Big Bottles =120 PV
(5): ADVANCED_ #283,800 = 22 Big Bottles = 264 PV 
(6): EXCEL_  #565,400 = 44 Big Bottles = 528 PV
(7): FLOURISH_  #1,123,100 = 87 Big Bottles & 1 Small Bottle = 1,050 PV.
 Choose a package. Make payment to only the account below and send me evidence of payment. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇* .
Don’t forget to add #50 for bank charges.



 (1) RETAIL PROFIT: What you make from selling the product to end users or users

(2) DIRECT REFERRAL BONUS 25%: What you earn when you sign up people directly under you.

(3)  INDIRECT BONUS 15%: What you earn when your direct success line signs up their people 25% DIRECT REFERRAL BONUS (1st Gen) 2-5% INDIRECT REF.


1. (2nd Gen) 5%

2. (3rd  Gen) 4%

3. (4th  Gen) 2%

4. (5th  Gen) 2%

5. (6th. Gen) 2%  —– Totals 15%   

Grand Total (25 + 15) = 40%

 (4) UPGRADE BONUS: Upgrade can be done from a smaller package to a bigger package at any time by paying the difference.     

The percentage paid as a direct referral bonus and indirect referral bonus applies to the upgrade PVs.

(5) MATCHING BONUS  ( *spillover count* )
A matching bonus occurs when a qualified member receives at least *40 PV* on his/her left and right team; and a pairing bonus, of 15%, is paid Earnings are per pair of 40 PV available on your Left & Right legs.

Note: Any registered account can Pair. A Member must have Personally Sponsored at least one (1) each on the *L & R* Binary legs to access ALL deserving

Pairing Points Pay :
*1st  Package*    7% – (10 pairs/day)

*2nd Package* 10% – (40 pairs/day) 

*3rd  Package* 11% – (55 pairs/day) 

*4th  Package* 12% – (70 pairs/day) 

*5th  Package* 13% – (80 pairs/day) 

*6th  Package* 15%  

Potential income illustration for matching bonus
For instance, you registered with the flourish package, and for every match (40pv on your left and right) you earn a matching bonus of  *₦3,180* per pair.

You can earn up to 120 pairs per day. ₦3,180×120= ₦381,600 per day!

In a month of 30 days, you could earn *₦11,448,000*
And in one year, from matching bonus Alone you could earn *₦137,376,000*

The below percentages are paid on re-orders,  *Autoships* and/or monthly reactivation.

Personal Repurchase Bonus (PRB)

We pay you up to 10% cash back ( on your own personal Repurchase PV).

20% OF UNILEVEL PVs WILL go into the binary end whilst 80% is considered for UNILEVEL.

To that effect, 20% of all bonuses earned will be reflected in an awaiting wallet.

If after activities are closed ( on the last day of the month) and a partner remains UNILEVEL inactive, that partner may not earn the bonus in the waiting wallet, but if, within the month, reactivation is done, the bonus in the awaiting wallet will be credited to the earning wallet.

Accumulate a total of 10,000 PV on your lesser leg within a month and share 5% of the global

UNILEVEL PV of the company for that month.

For instance, Kwame, Amaka, and Amina generated a cumulative of 10,000  PV within a month;
In that month, the company’s Global UNILEVEL PV volume performance was 500,000 PV.

5% of the 500,000pv will come to 25,000.25,000 will amount to 13,250,000 we’ll share and pay qualifiers 


AWARDS AND REWARDS: Cumulate stipulated PVs on your Binary Lesser leg in any Calender month and qualify:

1st Award :     1,500pv_ –  N70,000 Cash

2nd Award :  4,500pv_ – Tablet worth N150,000

3rd Award :   11,000pv – Laptop worth N300,000

4th Award :   31,000pv_ – N1,000,000 Cash

5th Award :   70,000pv – Trip Award worth N2,000,000 

6th Award : 185,000pv_ – 1st Car Award worth N6,000,000

7th Award : 398,000pv –  2nd Car Award worth N11,000,000

8th Award : 900,000pv – Landed property worth N25,000,000 

9th Award : 1,900,000pv – House Award of N50,000,000 

10th Award : 3,850,000pv – mansion worth 100,000,000

(9) ACHIEVERS CELEBRATION BONUS 10% equivalent of the value of an award qualified for by a member is paid to the direct upline and  5% equivalent is paid to the 2nd Generation.

 For instance, Amina qualifies for the mansion valued at #100,000,000.00, Kwame (the direct upline ) will receive #10,000,000 (10% equivalent )and  Udoh will receive  500,000.

(10) SUPER STORE BONUS 8% of sales activities in a month, is paid to the super store owner. 5.5% goes to Service Centres under the Super Store, the 2.5% remains for the Super Store.

(11) SERVICE CENTRE BONUS 5.5% of sales activities in a service center are paid to the service center owner.

(12) SUPER STORE CHEQUE MATCH BONUS 10% equivalent of bonuses earned by service centers is paid to the superstore.

(13) PLATINUM MERIT BONUS On achieving the Platinum rank, 2% of the total PVs accumulated each month in your pay leg( after your Platinum rank qualification) is calculated and paid to you.